Monday, March 3, 2008

I didn't realize...

...until today how much physical strength I have lost. Today I got out for a little while. My mom took me to lunch and then to do a little shopping. I'm completely wiped out. My body is achey and tired and I'm going to go lay down. I've been favoring my left arm a lot and that weakness was very evident today.

Couldn't get the drain out today, so I have to call tomorrow morning after I empty it and report how many cc's and then we'll go from there.

I had Jake here for the weekend so that was really nice.

I guess that's it for now.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Doris, you have gone through two surgeries in such a short period of time, you are bound to be exhausted when you do anything. Please don't push yourself too much, you need to take care of you and pamper yourself.
Miss ya,