Monday, March 24, 2008


I spent the day in bed in a lot of pain. The Oncologist called in a prescription for Vicodin for me. It is helping me now. I have to modify my diet and drink plenty of fluids and eat things like...broth...soup....crackers....more bland stuff. I just pray I get some rest tonight. I want to thank those who read my blog and then sent emails. I also received a beautiful flower arrangement from my friend Sue J.

Your kindness and caring and support are much appreciated!! I try not to ask for's not my nature...but again I ask that you please say a prayer for me for better, stronger days. And please say a prayer for all others effected by this cruel disease and this nasty treatment. I don't know if I mentioned this in my last entry, but I have a new found respect for cancer patients. Who cares if I lose my hair --- I need to win the fight.


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