Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Boy I have a lot to say lately...

I got some rest and my appetite is good. I went to the hospital for my Neulasta shot. This shot is to boost my white blood cells. So I guess tomorrow I can expect bone and joint pain and my new best buddy will be Tylenol. Yay. lol It's all good - I just wanna go back to work tomorrow!!!

So I have a little story I have to share...I pulled in to the parking garage at the hospital and another man had pulled in to a handicapped spot a few spaces down. As I began to walk past him at a quicker pace, he said "What do you think the Sox are gonna' do?" I started laughing. Evidently he saw my Red Sox (and Pats!) stickers on my truck. I had just heard before leaving the apartment about the Sox boycotting their Japan trip, so I knew what he was talking about. Anyway, he was a kind elderly man walking slowly with a cane. Suddenly I was not in such a hurry to get inside away from the weather. I slowed my pace and walked along side and we bounced from the Sox to last night's Celtics game. He was telling me about the announcer - Cedric someone - and how that announcer gets into the game so much and makes it so much more enjoyable for this man when he watches the games. Well, this elderly man made my walk in to the hospital in the sleet and wind more enjoyable. He hesitated on the stairs, so I slowed to make sure he was ok. I opened the door for him and he said "It was good chatting with you" and I said "You too, take care" and we went our separate ways. My best to you sweet stranger. You reminded me of the good in the world.


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