Monday, March 24, 2008

Not sure I'm strong enough for this.

It is almost 4am on Monday morning. I have been awake since about midnight. My body is in excruciating pain. My heart feels like it will beat out of my chest. I can not get comfortable and can not relieve the discomfort. I thought sitting in the recliner might help, but it is not. This is officially the worst. If I am still like this at 7 I will call the hospital. Can't do this. Can't handle it. It's too much pain. This is so cruel. I never would have imagined anything this bad.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry you are in so much pain Doris. Can they give you anything to help?? I know Pat has some really bad days after he goes for his too but then bounces back.
I am still praying for you as is our church prayer line, I will update them on the pain.
Peace to you my friend.