Friday, March 28, 2008

No one to answer to...

It's Friday night and I awoke at 7:45 p.m. to the phone ringing; it was my son calling to say goodnight. I fell asleep somewhere around 6-ish.

So it's been an interesting week. Monday and Tuesday were hell. Wednesday was better. Thursday was really good. Today...the school had a snow day, but I still worked and it was a good day pretty much.

Ya' know if you look at your fingers...palm down...look at your fingers and ya' know the skin between each set of knuckles? skin in these locations is red and puffy and itchy. This started slowly over the past 2 days and tonight is driving me nutty. Lotions don't seem to relieve it.

Anyway, tonight with no one to answer to, I found it easy to kick back and relax and take a nap. All week I've been in 'go' mode..."go get better"..."go to work"..."go take care of Jake"..."go" tonight I think my body is saying "go relax" lol

I love it when people see me or email me and say "No updates to your blog lately - how are you doing?" So I figured I haven't written for a few days and should send an update. My knuckles itch. Seems there was another 'side effect' or 'change' which I wanted to mention but right now whatever it is has escaped me. OH - that's it...nose bleeds. Not little nose bleeds....nose bleeds so bad that I wonder if they're going to ever stop. I see my Oncologist Tuesday so I'll talk to him about these things. When I'm there I assume I will be given the date for my second chemo treatment. Then when that is done, I can say I'm half way finished. Thank God.

Ok, I guess that's it for tonight. If anyone knows what I can do about these itchy knuckles, please, please, please let me know!!


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