Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Did anyone mention the emotional impact?

Here I sit on Wednesday morning. I've called in sick to work - I got little sleep last night, due to the side effects of one of the meds I received yesterday - and a piercing headache in my temples.

Jake has left with the sitter, I've had breakfast, taken my meds and I'm heading back to bed for a few hours.

Chemo has an emotional impact. Sure - I've commented many times about my hair obsession. But ya know what? Food tastes different already. I got a lousey night's sleep, which makes me emotional. I had to call out of work which causes me tremendous guilt (yes, I do have a strong work ethic) and I'm just sitting here with tears pouring down my face. This is scary stuff. I will survive, but gotta share these emotions or I'll go nuts.

Ok, heading to bed. Thanks for listening.

1 comment:

luv2laflisa42 said...

LET GO OF THE GUILT!!!! LOL...This is not the flu that you have are not playing have every right to call in sick to work today....They will understand!!! There is plenty of time to work honey so for right now...take care of you. Guilt is a wasted emotion.......I love you honey!!!!

Love Lisa