I slept pretty well last night. This morning I took a xanax as recommended by Dr. Hammond to relax me before I arrived at the office. After I checked in they took me into a room to get the VAD/port ready and Dr. Hammond did an examination and was very impressed with my surgery results.
Then they walked Tommie and I down to the infusion area. Tommie gave me a hug and left once she knew I was all set. The nurses were sweeties and took great care of me.
The process went something like this: They gave me an Adavan to calm my nerves and then they gave me the pre-meds which took an hour followed by Taxotene which took one hour and Cytoxin which took another hour. I kinda' fell asleep...lol....until a little after 12:30 and I had lunch and fel back to sleep until the treatment was pretty much over.
Right now I'm feeling good. Physically and mentally. I am a little shakey, but otherwise I seem ok. Tomorrow I get a booster shot for my white bloods cells to try to keep them at a good level.
I am now 1/4 of the way through treatment. YAY ME!!!!!!! And my mom was given a website for me from my son's kindergarten teacher for headscarves. The site was awesome and I ordered 4 scarves which should 'cover' (lol) my varying moods. The site is www.headcovers.com. Great selection, reasonably priced. I can do this! Being bald is the sign of a fighter!!! NOT a VICTIM!!!
Ok people, early to bed tonight. Keep the prayers and good thoughts coming. I love you all and appreciate everything you've done for me!
I'm so very proud of you the way you have been handling everything you have been through. You are a very strong person and you will get through the rest of this. My prayers are with you every day.
Your roomate!!(lol)
Doris, OK--you rock. Thanks so much for taking the time update your site. Sounds like a long day but you had such good people taking care of you (thank you all!). Your words makes me feel like I'm right there with you, sweating...and nodding off. ;-) Went to the site http://www.headcovers.com and they have a gift registery -- so sign up girl! Pick out some favs and let us buy something (I'd love to...I'm sure others would too). Good luck tomorrow, and may it be a pain-free day. Have a REM night. Catch ya tomorrow. AML, Nora
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