That's my problem ---- I keep looking at myself as a damned victim. And when I see these women - they're wearing baseball caps and scarves and bandanas because they've lost their hair, and I look at THEM as victims. WE ARE NOT VICTIMS! We are fighters! We will win the battle AND the war!
There, I feel a little bit better ;-)
Ok --- keep the prayers and good vibes coming!!
Doris, hope you're resting comfortably. Your sister Laura called today(thank you so much Laura!!). My prayers are with you. And as I've said many times, YOU ROCK! And my new mantra for the tatoo-wearing, sunflower-lovin' awesome fighter, Doris Victorious. AML, Nora
You go girl
You said it all in one sentence
Any battle, no matter who or how it is fought, is won by those fighters who press on when things look bleak.
The past winners will tell you that this is true.
Rock on
Oscar The Grouch
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