Monday, February 18, 2008

President's Day.

So today has been a long day. I slept in, and then my mom stopped in to do a few things for me (and brought me breakfast!!) and the visiting Nurse came by.

I kept getting anxious: My knees shaking and crying. My nurse gave me a hug. She was very kind.

I think the reason I've gotten a little down about things is because everything slowed right down. See, when the indentation and the lump were detected, things moved FAST. Real fast. No time to think. No time to let my mind wander. Now, I sit here today because it is President's Day and the doctor's office is closed, I had a little too much time to think.

So I am eager to get back to Dr. Marble's office tomorrow and get these stitches out. They itch like crazy. And I'm hoping they'll take out the drain, although I'm still averaging 40 - 50 cc's of fluid every 24 hours, and they wanted it down to 20 cc's before they would remove it.

Anyway, as long as things are moving along, I'm ok. But this lag-time is messing with my head. So I need to focus my energies. I've got some books to read, some movies to watch and some word searches to complete!

I guess my point is this --- I'm not going to be "Lil' Miss Suzie Sunshine" every time I write and every time you read my blog. So when I get down, don't let it get you down. Because today I finally realized that I have cancer. Cancer does NOT have me. I have a lot more living to do.

I'll post an update tomorrow evening as to how things go. Oh - one other thing that was making me upset yesterday - I still can not shower, so in that respect I was feeling that cancer has taken away some of my dignity. But to heck with that negative thinking. A few missed showers isn't going to take away my dignity. Not by a long shot.

Thanks for checking in.

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