Sunday, February 3, 2008

Just thinking...

Sorry I didn't write yesterday. I was really busy running errands and went to lunch with mom. It was nice. She's kept me busy. So today we went to Walmart to pick up the last few items I needed before surgery. There was a mom there - yelling furiously at her kids to come with her or she was 'going to leave them' at the store. People make me sick sometimes. Society as a whole scares the hell out of me. Rape, murder, child abuse and neglect, exploitation - all of it. We have a senator or whatever he is on trial and wasting taxpayer money to prosecute him. Justice was served recently when Anthony Dilboy was found guilty of manslaughter in the death of a man I knew and that man's nephew.

Marc Vachon touched my life and I will never forget the night of the car accident that killed him and his nephew, or the feelings of confusion and pain I had afterwards. To this day I still miss him. I think......he scared me because he was SUCH a nut and SO silly and immature sometimes and he did not care what people thought of him. While I'm the uptight type who tries to act 'proper' in various situations and sometimes I felt embarassed to be around him. When in reality....I wish I were more like him. He lived life to it's fullest. He tought me something about myself. Rest in peace, Marc.

Next topic? No clue....I'm anxious....getting closer to Monday morning with each passing hour. The phone calls and emails keep coming in. PLEASE keep sending them. They are SO much appreciated and I enjoy them greatly!!!

If you read this today, do me a favor? Wear some pink tomorrow (Monday) and send good vibes my way. Even if it's just your socks - I don't care. Just a little bit of pink ok? Thanks :-)

I'll write some more later. I'm going to take some time to breathe.



Trish said...

I am definately wearing pink tomorrow! I will be praying for you.

Anonymous said...

I don't know how good I'll look in PINK, but I'll try and find something!

Unknown said...

Dear Doris and friends,
I found a great site for all things pink! The manufacturer of most of these products including stickers, confetti, and stencils donates a portion of the proceeds from the sale of all products to breast cancer organizations.
pink ribbons

Get well soon, Doris. I'm wearing pink for you! Nora