Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Hello everyone

Today is a crappy weather day. I'm still sore from the stitches being removed on the right side yesterday. I'm still nervous about today. Whatever happens I'll accept it and I'll deal with it. I can handle it right? I have no choice.

Ok, I'm not sure if I was clear on my procedure, so I thought I'd write it out here to clarify as a couple of people have asked:

I had a mastectomy of the left breast with reconstruction and a temporary implant. I had the right breast reduced, so "the twins" will be about the same size when all is said and done. And might I say, they are looking great already, so that gives me some feeling of normalcy and relief, as I did not know what to expect the first time and subsequent times the bandages have been removed.

Anyway, the purpose of the temporary implant? Well, if I indeed require radiation, those treatments cause the skin to tighten. Thus, the temporary is a bit larger then what the permanent will be so that the skin is stretched to accomodate the permanent implant and allow for the 'side effect' of skin tightening.

I hope this made sense and answered some questions.

Ok people - whatever is dealt to me, I will deal with it and accept it as necessary treatment. When I get back from the 3:20pm appointment today with Dr. Palladino I will update my blog to let you know how it went. Send good vibes!!!

My best to you,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

good vibe check in from Utah.

Thinking of you.