..hello everyone. And hello blank blog page.
I don't even know where to begin. My recovery is going very well. My pain is minimal. My sleep schedule is a bit messed up. And the pain med's make me pretty loopy.
The procedure ended up being 5 hours with 3 hours in recovery and then my oxygen exchange was down to 70% so I woke up to a room full of hospital staff. That was creepy. But since I was on morphine, it didn't phase me much. lol
I also stayed an extra day at the hospital, as I was in no condition to go home.
The staff at Exeter Hospital treated me as though I was there only patient. It's awesome. They are so wonderful and caring. And have I mentioned how attractive the staff is? LOL - that really helps!!!
So one drain was removed yesterday and the surgical bra was loosened up - thank God, because it was way too tight and I thought I was going to feel like I was in a vice for the rest of my life. I realize as I'm typing that my grammar and spelling may be lacking --- sorry about that --- it's the med's.
This week I'll get the second drain removed and the sutures removed. On the 13th I believe I will find out if I am going to have to have radiation or chemo. That scares me. Really scares me.
Ok I have a lot more to say, but my fingers aren't working very well. Anyway, thanks to all of your for your emails and phone calls and please keep them coming --- they really brighten my day!!!!
1 comment:
Yahoo! Glad to hear that you are doing well. I would like to try and get over to see you at some point this week if you are up to it!Get some rest!
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