Sunday, February 3, 2008

Thank God for the SuperBowl!!!

Well, if you don't already know it, I am a HUGE Pat's fan. It all started during the time my second husband had moved out and I started watching games when my son was with him to keep my mind occupied. With that said, now I watch because I love these men and I love this team!!!!

Having the Super Bowl on tonight is helping to keep my head clear and I'm not really freaking out with anxiety about tomorrow. I'm sort of in the "let's get this done, I have a life to live" mode right now.

I had written a "to do" checklist earlier this week (a suggestion made by friend Lisa) and I am proud to say that each task has a check mark next to it!! Yay me!! So I guess I have a feeling of calm, because there is nothing hanging over my head and 'waiting' for me while I am recovering.

That which does not kill me, makes me stronger. I am gonna' be one strong woman.....and I look forward to the challenge!

So to anyone who I did not reach out to this weekend via phone or email, please accept my apologies as it's been busy and hectic and now I'm settling in for the night.

Tomorrow is a new day and when I know my body is cancer free I will feel empowered to begin anew. So, maybe tomorrow is really the first day of the rest of my life.

Oh - one more thing - don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today. What I mean by that is please, please, please let the people who mean something in your life KNOW that they mean something. Be willing to expose your emotions. Be willing to handle rejection if the love/admiration is not mutual. Because as long as we are all honest about our feelings, we
are being true to ourselves, and in the end, we only have to face ourselves in the mirror and I for one want to do that knowing I have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

I'll send an update just as soon as I am able. My sister Laura will be making many phone calls tomorrow when I am moved to recovery.

Sweet dreams,


Anonymous said...

I have been thinking about you since first thing this morning when I asked God to bless you today and to guide the doctors as they worked on you.
You are one strong woman Doris and you will be even stronger when this is in the past.

Anonymous said...

Doris? It's Rebecca Is this still you? Write me soon, I was just reading your blogs and it sounds like you are or already have had surgery. PLease get in touch soon. Your entires are so touching, please let mek now if there is anything I can do for you!

Unknown said...

Hi all -- I spoke with Doris for about half a minute this eve (2/5). She said she was in pain, hoping for more rest. Would be staying in the hospital another night. Nora