Saturday, February 16, 2008

A little bite of reality...

Today my sister Janet, my mom, and I went to a couple of stores. It's the first time I've been out of the house besides all the hospital visits.

I found myself feeling a little insecure and checking my jacket a lot to make sure it was zipped and I was 'concealed.'

The 'c' word did not come up until we were almost back home. But when it did, it pulled me right back in to reality. And ya know what? I have cancer. Cancer does NOT have me. I will do what is necessary and I will win this. Because I want to go through the rest of my life standing proud and saying "I beat breast cancer." I do not want to be a withering flower. It's not my personality.

So, I may have bad days or just bad moments. But I will keep things in perspective as best I can and remind myself that living without cancer was a lot better and will be a lot better again.

Thanks for reading :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Doris,

I fully expect to see you in the next Walk for Breast Cancer, leading the pack of survivors!!!

I updated your info on our prayer line, so lots more prayers coming your way as you continue this path.

I can't tell you how much I admire your bravery and attitude. I am glad you are using this blog to be able to express some of your feelings and to keep everyone updated. How much better than having to explain it all over and over.

Peace to you my friend.