Monday, February 25, 2008

A bit anxious...

...that would be me. Tomorrow I meet with Oncologist Dr. Hammond for my chemo info/training. Then Wednesday I'll be in and out of surgery.

My son is with his cousin today and then is back with his dad for an extended visit while I recuperate. I am exhausted. He kept me busy and though our weekend consisted of a lot of coloring and movie watching, he seemed to be simply happy being with me and that is awesome!

So, as far as the incisions go, it only took two days of cleaning and dressing them to adjust to the process and accept that this is only one stage in my recuperation and that this is a temporary state of my body. I consider myself a work in progress. And when all is said and done, I will be a survivor and I hope to reach out to others who receive this terrifying diagnosis and are seeking someone to offer them words of support and encouragement.

So, because I can (lol), I am going back to bed for awhile. Please keep me in your prayers --- it is the power of prayer and the strength of my family and friends which is getting me through this. I thank all of you for your kind words, the great gifts, and the hilarious get well cards!!!

My very best to you,

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Doris, my heart is with you. Yes, you are a survivor. You write your thoughts and it's as if I'm right there with you talking. My eyes well up because I can't lean over and give you a hug. I am so proud of you. I am so humbled. But most of all, I'm just a friend who is getting to know you even more...and that's "your very best" to me, as you say. Thanks! ttfn. Nora