What a day. Nasty commute, but got a lot of work done with no students or staff around.
The latest -- my hot flashes are back and they are sooooo bizarre. The majority of them hit me at night when I'm winding down or already in bed. My forehead literally breaks out in a sweat and I am now running my fan in the bedroom all night long!!
Migraines are back and they are severe and painful. BUT - mentally I feel great. I'm feeling better simply by drinking lots of water and eating better (and much less!!) food.
Jake is back home with me tonight - he spent some quality time with his Grammy today. Tonight when I was walking through his room my pant leg caught on the corner of a box and I took a pretty nasty fall and I'm a little sore, but I'll live. Of course Jake was right there saying "Are you Ok? Where does it hurt???" What a kid!!!
Tuesday was a great day -- EVEN with the excruciating migraines --- I went to lunch with my friend Charlotte and two of my co-workers. It really was a nice change of pace and I felt....like a grownup!!! lol!!!
As I sit here and reflect on the past year....I can honestly and proudly say that my co-workers truly rallied around me and have shown unwaivering support. I am blessed to have one or two friends which I have made from each of my past jobs, but this current job has given me.....friends...supporters...comrades...people I know who will also be in my life forever. I am truly blessed.
Charlotte - when you read this - please know that you are ALREADY in the Survivor Sisterhood and I am so proud of you!!! I know the upcoming treatment plan may seem daunting, but you will so quickly be looking back on it (as I am now over my past year)and thinking "where did the time go?"
I love you and I am so very lucky to have you in my life. And if you are reading this -- a family member, a friend, a co-worker....please know that there is something special about you that I was willing to open up and share my blog with you. Expose my heart and feelings.
Thank you - whoever you may be.
Good night.
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