Saturday, January 17, 2009

"everything looks great"

Yesterday I went to Women's Imaging at Exeter Hospital for my first mammogram since last year's diagnosis.

The technician was concerned at first because they did not have copies of my previous films from Women's Life Imaging in Somersworth, so without a previous film to compare to the new film, they would not be able to give me an accurate comparison. My eyes welled up with tears. All I could think was "Dot, if you didn't have bad luck, you'd have no luck at all." The technician said that because they don't know what my cancer looked like in the previous films, that if something showed up today, there may be a delay in any sort of identification or diagnosis.

Needless to say, they did the mammogram (much easier thanks to the reduction!!!! lol) and after a few minutes the technician came and sat with me in the waiting room and said "The doctor says everything looks great." Tears again. Relief. A blessing. A feeling that I in deed have been given a second chance.
