Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Ok, ok I'm back.

Oscar said it best "Wake up and smell the coffee!!! You're a survivor!!!"

Let's write off my recent funk as just that....a blue mood which came on under various circumstances and I am willing to acknowledge that right now.

Debbi also made a good point - reminding me that this is MY blog and I can say and do as I please (insert me stomping my foot and yelling "Dammit!!!").

I really screwed up --- I admit that I am one of those people who depends upon my doctor's and dentist offices to call and remind me of my appointments.

Well....no one call me about my January 7th mammogram. I missed it. Can you believe it????? Sometimes my head really is up my ass!

Ok I called and rescheduled for the 16th, so I'm good.

Yet another reason to maintain my home calendar!!!

I need to go grocery shopping and will write again soon ----- nothing changes on New Year's Day unless YOU change. So if things suck.....change them.


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