Monday, April 7, 2008

Today was good...

...I really was good. I had an interesting realization today. Most of you know that I work at a high school. Well, I actually found myself avoiding the students today. I was ok with my co-workers, but avoided the kids. I think I need to just sit back and reflect on that fact.

As far as my co-workers go...what can I say? Total support. Kindness. Gentleness. One co-worker even walked in and she said "Hi beautiful!" and that was just the coolest thing.

Today was also bizarre. An ex-boyfriend of mine from the early 90's was in the building doing some work....I never did an about face and ran the other way so fast in my life. Wierd.

My mom and I went out for dinner tonight. I'm working 1/2 a day tomorrow and then Tommie is taking me to Exeter Hospital for my second chemo treatment. I'm more anxious just to get this over with then anything. I'm not really nervous now, because I've been through it. And when I leave the hospital tomorrow I will be halfway through treatment. Damn...that feels good.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Doris, I loved the "hi beautiful" remark! You are so lucky to work with such a supportive group of people. And the boyfriend weirdness? I gotta say--not so weird...there are some ex-BFs I'd run away from like a cheetah too (but that's a long story from another life). So, tomorrow. I'll be thinking of you. I'm sure everyone else will too...feel the strength--and the power of our prayers. AML, Nora