Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Consistencies thus far...

Let's see....the steroid shot they give me at the infusion area after chemo makes me 'wired' and I can't sleep the night of treatment which results in needing to catch up on sleep the next morning. Plus, I have a migraine. And third....are you ready????...hiccups. Short bouts of hiccups several times a day after the Neulasta shot.

So today when I got to the Oncology department for my Neulasta shot, I was told I was kinda' an hour. So I hung out in the waiting area and read the newspapers and 3 magazines.

I got to chat with some of the other regulars. It was nice. People are very kind and outgoing or they are very quiet. I did not feel weird or out of place or uncomfortable at all.

Oh yeah - this morning when I got up I had to get some groceries and I was one of three women who were bald and wearing headscarves. Bald women unite!!

Thanks for checking in,

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