Saturday, April 5, 2008

There's this quote from the movie Terms of Endearment...

...where Debra Winger tells her friend that compared to the girls they just had lunch with, her cancer "ain't so tragic."

Well...having a bald head....ain't so tragic. I shed a couple quick tears and was done. I even put on my wig and went out to Walmart with Jake, Laura and Samantha. And this evening with a headscarf on I went outside to play with Jake for about 40 minutes and we had so much fun!!!

Everything in life (good or bad or indifferent) just takes a little getting used to.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Doris, I read your "ain't so tragic/we had so much fun!" post. Yestderday I came across a quote -- and then I knew your secret: Here's the quote: The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts. Yes, everything is life does take some getting used to, as you say, but you have that...I don't know what it is...a unique vision, a resilience, that gift of happiness. And you share it. What can I say? Thank you!