Saturday, April 12, 2008

A request...

To all who read this...I know that as time has passed and I made it through the surgeries and now am hopefully on the last leg of this journey that the sentiments drop off. I don't mean that in a nasty way. What I mean is...people see that I'm doing well and that when chemo is over I will have hopefully won this battle. So...the well wishes and the cards and the emails, etc., have slowed considerably.

My request is this...please, please, please keep the prayers coming. A very small number of people at work saw me on Friday and knew I was not well. I'm sitting here right now not knowing which "c" word is worse; Cancer or Chemo. What I am holding on to right now is that I'm going to feel better in a few days. I am thankful that my son is with his dad this weekend because I would not be a very fun mommy right now. So in a way I'm feeling guilt for spending nearly this whole day in bed. But I have to. I have to use my energy to get things done when I have that energy and I need to rest when I am run down.

Yeah, I'm rambling. I'm tired and the headache continues to be relentless. I'm hoping that tomorrow is a better day. I'd like to get some fresh air and just simply get out of the apartment for a little while.

Ok, I'm going to get ready for bed. Thanks for listening.


Unknown said...

Doris -- rest, feel better, and know that I am thinking about you every day. You never disappoint. You never have to apologize. I am so joined with you in this fight to kick the H out of this. And again, you have an army of friends out there, praying for you and with you. Here's a hug. It's a big one!
AML, Nora

Anonymous said...

Please know that you are in my prayers and thoughts every day. You need to take care of yourself while you are going through the chemo and not feel guilty about staying in bed when you need to. You push yourself too hard!!
I hope your headache is gone today and that you are feeling a lot better till the next round!!