Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Holding out for a couple more days.

Ok, so tonight when I picked up Jake at my mom's we were talking and I ran my fingers through my hair and a pile of hair came out. I'm not sure who was more shocked....Jake, my mom, or me. Tonight it is on my clothes and on my recliner and it's just yucky. So on Saturday my sister Laura is going to shave my head for me and I asked my niece Samantha to take some pictures. It's going to be traumatic, but I'll do my best to stay strong. Jake says he will give Laura suggestions of how to cut my hair "so it doesn't hurt around your ears."

I think this is a good time to do it, as I will have Jake for the weekend and he will see it happening instead of seeing me one day with hair and then returning home days later to see me bald. This way he can be as involved as he wants, or does not want to be.

I guess that's it for now. Can't remember if I already shared this, but my next chemo treatment is April 8th. The good thing is that I can work for 5 hours and then head to the hospital for the afternoon. The less my work is effected by all of this, the happier I will be.

My girls at work are still wearing their sunflower pins.....I don't say anything when I see them, but just the sight of them gives me a feeling of getting hugged. It's the best. I count all of them as individual blessings.

I am still getting incredible input regarding my faith questions. I continue to absorb the information and will share some of what I have received soon.

My co-worker Pat and her husband Ed received wonderful news yesterday regarding Ed's health. And when we both shared our good news from yesterday, Pat exclaimed "Praise God!" and ya know what? Yeah........Praise God!!!



Anonymous said...

Doris, you are sounding strong - and insightful - keep going. C.

Unknown said...

Doris, Thank you for your so very personal posts. They make me feel so much closer to you and really connected. I think about you every day, girl, hoping you're having a good one. So Saturday is hair day. You say "It's going to be traumatic, but I'll do my best to stay strong." So feel the vibe I'm sending you--and realize you are strong. You have a piece of all your friends and family with you all the time--and that's quite an army!
Have a beach day, AML, Nora

Anonymous said...

Hey Kiddo,
Keep up the good work. Jake will thank you a million times in the future for letting him work with you to get through these tough times.

Oscar & Norma