Thursday, May 28, 2009

Peaceful, quiet, calm....

or is it stressed, tired and depressed?

I don't know anymore. Or at this moment.

Work is stressful and I am very physically and mentally tired. I had two meltdowns at work today - one in my boss's office. I hate that. But he handled it well. lol

Tonight is my last night with Jake for about a week. I am sooooo going to miss him. This makes me sad.

I have started a mental checklist of camping needs.....I'll start putting things on paper when I head to bed.

When my mom stopped over tonight one of the first things she said with great concern was 'Are you ok?' ---- I said "yes, just tired....maybe it's allergies" My sister called a little while later and said "everything ok?" and I said "yes, but I am exhausted...maybe it's allergies, but I have not feel THIS kind of exhaustion since last year.....during chemo"

Still looking forward to my mini vacation this weekend. Life is good. Some days it is just a little harder to see and feel it.


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