Monday, May 11, 2009

Are you ready for this?

"When life hands you lemons...make lemonade!!!"
"Don't let the turkeys get you down!!!"

Yup..that's right...I'm learning the art of optimism. It is a great feeling. Very new to me, but that's ok - moving forward is empowering!

My weekend with Jake was phenomenal (btw..that's my new favorite word!). We had a lot of quality time and lots of fresh air and exercise. My Mother's Day was the best! My family got together at my mom's for the day. Jake requested that we "go to Grammy's early" - he likes being the first one to arrive and the last one to leave!! We got to my mom's at 10 a.m. and didn't leave until nearly 6 last night. We both slept like rocks last night!

My eating habits continue to change and improve since my hypnotherapy session. I am still not binge eating. I'm craving fresh strawberries - wild huh?? lol!!

That's it for today. I feel great. Mentally..physically...emotionally. Life is good.

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