Monday, June 1, 2009


Camping was great. I DID IT!!!!! All by myself! Yay me!! I put the tent up myself. I had my own fire. I fed myself. I slept on a useless foam pad and froze my butt off!!! was great!!! Note to self: bring the air mattress next time as well as more blankies!!!!

Tonight I have to check in at the Frisbie Sleep Clinic at 8:30. I had this done about 6 years ago, but my new ear nose and throat doctor, Doctor White, wants new tests. I already know I have sleep apnea but I want another option for treatment, as I will not use the CPAP machine they set me up with. So I'm on my way (cross my fingers) to getting my sleep problems under control.

If I can get my sleep disorder corrected......I may actually be able to wake up in the morning without hitting the snooze alarm 8 times or still feeling exhausted even after 8 hours of sleep.

Tomorrow is also another huge step - I am seeing a psychiatrist. There are things in my past that I need to work through and there is a bright future ahead.

I think that's it for now. I need to get a few things done around here and get my stuff packed for the night.

Thanks for checking in.

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