...yup, that's right. And I'm here to admit I've made a couple of bad choices. Let's see....I chose to eat bad food that led to me being overweight; I chose to neglect my cleaning duties and let my apartment become a disaster area; I chose to sleep a lot and function as a human being as little as possible which led to a vicious cycle of "not having a life."
Making conscious choices that are bad for you....that's detrimental to your body and your mind.
Taking control and ownership of those decisions puts YOU in control of life. Not vice-versa.
I want control and ownership of my mind and body. Prior to being diagnosed with cancer, I had relinquished control - I let myself go both physically and mentally and it was damaging. Then for 6 months the doctors took control. And now it's my turn. This will be a huge change but a necessary change in my life. But it's the simple things that will make huge improvements in the end. And I can do this. It won't be easy - but what is that saying about things worth having and not being easy or something? Anyway, today I ate some halloween candy - ok I binged. I feel lethargic and guilty. Those two 'feelings' will stay in my mind in the hopes that next time maybe I'll stop myself before I do. I can only hope.
My friend Lisa called me at home this week. I was so happy to hear from her. She is doing great. She's got some rehab and hard work ahead of her, but I have faith that she's going to be ok. She's a tough cookie and I'm so proud of her!
I think that's it for now. Thanks for checking in on me.
1 comment:
Thinking about you today. Hoping it's a good one. AML. Nora
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