Sunday, October 26, 2008

My what a rollercoaster I ride!!!

I spent most of today in bed. It was ok. I needed it. I did not spend one single solitary moment this weekend feeling blue or sorry for myself or anything truly negative for that matter. Instead, I kinda' just....(dare I say it????)...lived. This weekend I was the 41 year old single mom whose son was gone with his dad and she was sick and took care of herself. Holy crap. Amazing.

So...Dan and Jenn got married yesterday. Again, I truly am happy for them because if they are happy, then Jake is happy and that is what truly matters in the broad spectrum.

I did do a bit of cleaning yesterday when I was feeling up to it. I love a clean home - it makes me feel accomplished. It is so easy for this place to get turned upside down between Jake and I. When Jake is not here I just kind of come and go and do my own thing and pay little or no attention to my surroundings. When Jake is here, I admittedly let him be a bit of a free spirit. I mean, he still has rules and guidelines and responsibilities, but I let him express himself and that tends to lead to a messy house!!! lol

What else to talk about? I'm not really sure. I'm just going with the flow tonight. The emotional rollercoaster has made a pit stop!!!


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