Tuesday, August 5, 2008


My friend Nora met me at Exeter Hospital and I met with Dr. McKee. After an exam and discussion it would appear that this burning sensation that I am experiencing may be:
1. Estrogen related;
2. Nerve regeneration; or 3. Related directly to the fact that I had stopped wearing sports/support bras to bed at night.

So if it's estrogen related, the problem will cease after the ovaries are removed next week. If it's bra related I'll know pretty quickly because I'll go back to wearing them as of tonight.

It was kind of weird seeing a new doctor at this stage, however Dr. Palladino and Dr. Marble are in Bolivia doing missionary work. It was helpful to have Dr. Palladino's nurse there - I'm more comfortable with people I am familiar with.

So...Dr. McKee said I am coming up on a "landmark" surgery Monday. I paused and stared at him and asked him what he meant. He said that usually having the ovaries removed is essentially the last step for someone with my diagnosis. Meaning...I'm on my way to better days. My eyes filled with tears and my emotions - well, I can't describe. It felt good. It just felt good to hear.

Anyway, I'm all registered for the procedures on Monday. I just need to go in tomorrow to have some chest x-rays done which they told me is common for a chemo patient prior to surgery.

Nora -- If you read this and you want to add anything, let me know. :-)


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