Sunday, August 17, 2008

Back to work

I'm returning to work tomorrow. I'm looking forward to it. For me...too much time on my hands leads to laziness and depression. Let me clarify ---- when Jake is with his dad, too much time on my hands leads to laziness and depression.

Last night I got hit with some major energy at around 8pm and ended up rearranging my living room. Now I have two lovely piles of junk on the floor to go through and reduce to a workable amount of random paperwork, etc.

School starts next week, so I'm nervous. Big changes for Jake, and each time we are embarking on a new routine, I turn in to a bowl of jiggling jelly worrying about how he'll adjust and yet he always blows me away with his ability to adapt. I worry too that my anxiety might rub off on him, so I do my best to keep a brave face for my little man.

This morning my mom called and woke me up, we ended up getting together for lunch and some shopping. For several months my mom has had a purple cancer survivor ribbon magnet for me, but I refused to take it. This morning, when we were on the phone I said "When you come over, can you bring my purple survivor ribbon?" and she did. When we left my apartment, I walked to the back of my truck and placed the Survivor magnet beside the Breast Cancer Awareness magnet. And I got choked up...and then a huge wave of relief came over me. Some people think these magnets are tacky......I have displayed them in the past for support of others....displaying one that reflects my own battle makes them all that more important to me. Now when I see one on a car...I think battle and the fact that anyone displaying one has some how been affected.

Anyway, I guess that's it for now. Please keep Lisa Gunville in your prayers. Lisa has been my best friend for many years and the news of her stroke has hit me hard. I love her so much. She is someone who I know would do anything for me, and I for her. Sometimes it is words of wisdom from her that help me face a tough day. She is an eternal optimist and she has tried to teach me, but I've been a tough pupil! She says that she always likes it when I refer to her in my blog and she giggles when she admits it. So as I type this my eyes fill with tears. Lisa has been my rock through some of the toughest phases of my adult life. I just hope she knows how much she has touched my life and has made me face my issues head on and of course, there is always her favorite saying which I tell her I can not stand...."It is what it is Doris." Ahhhhh!!!!!! lol! LOVE YOU LISA!!!!

Thanks for reading.

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