Friday, September 11, 2009

September 11th

I hope you will take 4 1/2 minutes to view this. Today I have avoided - that's right, intentionally avoided - watching any news today. But my neice Sam posted this on her Facebook page and I just watched it.

Those before me know where they were when MLK Jr was killed...or JFK....and Elvis. I know where I was when one space shuttle exploded and where I was when the second shuttle exploded on re-entry. And I know where I was on 9/11/01:

I stayed home from work, exhausted. I was 8 months pregnant with Jake and I was so huge and swollen. I slept late. Got up around 9:30 and thought I was having a nightmare - every channel on the t.v. was covering this "attack"....I sat on the edge of my recliner and just watched footage and cried.

I was scared. Scared for those who didn't survive. Scared for those who could not find their loved ones. Just plain scared. And then....I started questioning myself and wondering why I was bringing an innocent baby into this dysfunctional world. I talked to my mother-in-law Beatrice to try to get some consolation from our faith. But the questions and confusion continued.

One of the most terrifying days of my life. Always remember. Never forget.


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