Monday, September 21, 2009


Yes - I know I should be grateful. I should be happy. I should feel....great. Right now I feel like hell. I am so tired. I feel mentally and physically lethargic.

I have not been following my diet since Friday and maybe that is affecting things? I'm not sure. The nurses kept telling me that following my diet right now is the last thing I should be thinking about. I know, I know. I'm 24.4lbs down and I should be proud of what I have accomplished so far, but right now I'm feeling down and discouraged.

I need to breathe. Get back to work tomorrow and get back into my routine. It's just a little funk.

So I've gotta get the apartment packed and I'm at a disadvantage there until the stitches are healed, but Laura wants to start moving stuff on Wednesday. My mom has done a bunch of packing of Jake's room.

Ok - I'm feeling overwhelmed. I'm trying to heal; trying to pack; trying to sell Miche Bags and trying to sell Jewels by Park Lane all at once. Can't do it all at once. Need to put some things on the back burner - temporarily. I think I'm finally heading in the right direction, but gotta just put the brakes on and get the short list done and then I can move on.

I'm probably rambling. It all makes sense to me. Sort of.

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