Saturday, September 19, 2009


That's how you spell it right? lol

No pain meds today. Taking it mom stayed over last night and I think she likes playing care-giver!!! She made me a protein and carb packed dinner and brought too many cookies! The doctor and nurses told me not to focus on my diet/weight loss for a couple of days. Gotta get in the protein for healing.

The incisions are quite painful, but it's all good. I'm told I have a high threshold for pain. Just using ice packs and relaxing.

So the surgery went fine and they removed the 600cc silicone implant and replaced it with a 480cc silicone implant. Although there is some swelling, the left one is now pretty much in proportion with the right. YAY! lol

The nipple is....ok.....very, very, very painful. I'm not one to sugar coat things right? I've been through much worse, so I can deal with it. Applying bacitracin to the area twice a day. Each day will get a little better.

Thanks for checking in on my me.

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