Thursday, July 16, 2009


Another realization - based upon yesterdays entry: I block things out. I have been blocking out experiences all my life. I am assuming this is a survival mechanism. Block it out - it never happened - it can't hurt you if you can't recall it.

Because I blocked out an experience that happened less then a year ago, I let someone back in my life who is not good for me. It is not a healthy relationship. So I learned it again.

Funny, that I protect my son - keep him shielded from the real world. I protect him because I don't want him to experience hurt or pain. I know these things will happen in his life eventually. I guess I think I'm doing him a favor. I don't know.

But yet I do not take the same care for myself. Instead, I open up too soon - too quickly. I need to give myself the same care and consideration that I do my son. He is worth it. I am worth it.

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