Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Anxiety makes me bitchy.

Tomorrow at 1:35 I have my 6 month exam with Dr. Palladino. Since more time has passed and my first 6 month checkup was perfect, I am a little less stressed about this one. I told my chiropractor tonight....once you've been diagnosed is always in the back of your mind.

Jake asked me tonight how long I would have to keep getting checked and I said "For a long time buddy" and he said "Oh so..until you're like 69?" and I said "yeah, something like that" and I laughed. I told him not to worry about me and that I'm sure I am fine.

Yesterday I got nailed with a severe migraine. I still have lingering pain in my temples and my neck and shoulders are sore. My chiropractor gave me an awesome adjustment so I'm going to grab an ice pack and head to bed to read and relax.

OH!! I have to brag!!! I LOVE doing work searches. And guess what?? So does Jake!! It is a great way for him to practice his reading and tonight he said "mommy word searches are so addicting!!" That's my boy!

Thanks for checking in,

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