Thursday, November 20, 2008

Today is Thursday...

...tomorrow is Friday. Brilliant deduction huh? was a good day at work.

Jake is healthy and happy.

My joint pain is very very manageable. Migraines are coming and going but I'm managing.

Tomorrow I get to see Dr. Palladino. (Isn't that funny? I said "get to" as if it's a privilege) Anyway, Dr. Palladino is the surgeon who performed my mastectomy and then my follow up surgery to remove the lymph nodes under my left arm.

Dr. Palladino.....well...she totally rocks. She is kind. She is caring. She is genuine. In a word - amazing. So I truly look forward to seeing her tomorrow. Getting an exam, and touching base on my life since I last saw her. I will write over the weekend about the outcome. It will all be positive I'm sure.

A few of you were concerned over some recent blogs and for that I am sorry. But I appreciate you all so very much. Your emails of concern and blog comments helped me to get my perspective back. I will continue to blog and I will continue to remember who my very dear friends are.

Life is what you make it. You can only play the "victim card" for so long. I'm tired of playing cards....maybe it's time for some Monopoly.......

Also - if you or someone you know has been the victim of sexual assault, please call 1-800-277-5570 to get in contact with a local crisis center. You need not be in crisis to call. It could change your life.

Love, Doris

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