....I will be the first to admit I am not a big fan. Maybe it's because she's a tree-hugging Democrat and I am a Proud Conservative Republican. Maybe it's because people in her midst treat her as though she has God-like powers. Ever watch the crowd at the beginning of a show? Some of them shake and tremble and cry....as though the Beatles just walked in. Ok, I don't get the Beatles thing either so what can I compare all of this to? Ohhhh yes........they behave the way I would if Steven Tyler walked in the room --- ok, 'nuf said.
ANYWAY - my point being (yeah I know you thought I lost track) is that I don't plan my days around the Oprah Winfrey show. I only watch it intentionally if someone I really like or respect or want to learn more about is on the show. What happened today? None of that. Today was just me flipping through the channels and discovering a guy with basic knowledge, intelligence and organizational skills showing people how to 'unclutter' their homes. Well, wouldn't you know it....it was Oprah! (The show, not the guy. The guy was her guest. Have I lost you yet Cindi? ;-)
And he made uncluttering look so easy and so logical that I have to admit that it motivated me. This weekend I WILL begin to de-clutter. I WILL throw away; I WILL donate; I WILL sell and I WILL get past this stage in my life of feeling stuck in the mud!!!
Anyway, her site is http://www.oprah.com/ and there is a link to the guidelines right on her home page.
The thing about Oprah.....well.....she is living breathing proof that all the money in the world can not make you rich....thin....or happy. So maybe she's just human.
Isn't it fascinating how 11 months ago I was deluged by fear....focused on facing the "C" word...cancer, and now today I'm focusing on the "U" word.....Unclutter that is.
Life moves fast. What is important today may not be so important tomorrow. What was life-changing as a child may not be identified until adulthood. What is valuable to one, may be meaningless to another. I know I started this blog 11 months ago to have an outlet during my diagnosis and now it has turned into philosophical ramblings. I still love to hear "I read your blog" followed by "How are you feeling?" I'm glad that I have a handful of people who still check it to see what's going on in my pea-brain :-)
Anyway, I guess that's it for now. Jake fell asleep early and I think I'm going to head to bed early as well.
I hope that who ever you are that when you read my words that I make you smile, or cry, or appreciate, or just plain think. I hope that whoever you are....that my words make you feel something. That is the greatest gift I could hope for.
Good night.
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