Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Warning - this one is kinda' gross....

Ok, first I have to apologize because evidently "suck" is my new favorite word. sucked.

Work was wicked busy and I LOVE that. But alas I had to leave to make my 1:05 appointment with the Oncology Office.

As usual (they're so efficient) I didn't have to wait long. However, when I got in the lab to have blood drawn, the lab tech couldn't get any blood from my hand. Well....I said "I don't know how you do things...but how about here?" and I pointed at the veins on my wrist (picture your hand palm up). I had some veins that looked good. So, she agreed and said it wouldn't be pleasant and I said "go for it."

Let me back up and say that when she was wiggling the needle around in my hand....I kinda' looked which isn't my nature...and I got lightheaded.

Anyway, sticking the needle in my wrist was...OUCH!..painful. And I tried to regulate my breathing which did not go well. When she was done (and I must say, she was so kind and supportive), I told her I wasn't doing well and she asked questions and I said "yes" the room is spinning and "yes" I'm going to throw up. Which I promptly did. And might I say I've never seen someone grab a garbage pail so fast in my life. Anyway, I believe I blacked out at that point. Once they got me cleaned up and my vitals were ok, they took me back to one of the exam rooms.'s the bad part....Tracy the nurse mistook today's appointment for my 4th chemo treatment and said that THAT is why she asked the tech to take the blood from my hand and not from the stellar vein in the bend of my elbow that is generally used. So once I clarified that with her, she couldn't stop apologizing.

Let's see....then what?...well the Physician's Assistant came in and went over the basic questions with me and Tracy had told me that again my blood counts were great. I showed the P.A. the red area of skin on my chest and she paged Dr. Palladino. They were able to touch base and decided that yes, I have a skin infection and 'vessel' infection from the port and now I'm on antibiotics.

Because I was so exhausted (and was wearing clothing that wreaked of vomit) I headed home, called my mom and asked her to entertain Jake a little while longer so that I could lay down. I took a nap, felt no better, headed to mom's where she had fixed a great dinner for us and then Jake and I played pass outside for a little while before heading home. Now we're home and it's almost his bedtime which will also be my bedtime tonight.

"Cumulative Side Effects"....they're kicking my although it is my last treatment next week, I fear how it is going to effect me.

Ok....haven't written about this yet, but I think I can now. I have a co-worker (for her privacy I won't name her) who is now living what has become my biggest fear --- she found a lump last month. About a year after finishing her chemo. She will have to go through another round of treatments. Ok...I guess I'm not ready to talk about this yet. Boy, life has really changed.

Thanks for checking in.


Unknown said...

Doris -- Thinking about you. Hope you're feeling better. Hang in! Thanks for the phone call. AML, Nora

Anonymous said...

I know it is hard right now Doris but just try to keep focused on that you are almost there. Your coworker's issue is why I always said I would just go for the mastectomy to begin with if it ever happens to me.
Keeping you both in my prayers.
Hang in there woman!

Anonymous said...

Keeping your mind on the better days will help you through this last treatment.
Make sure your little munchkin is around to remind you once in a while just how beautiful you are.