Saturday, May 24, 2008

The chemo defense?

Can I say..."But Officer....the Chemo Made Me Do It"??????

After Jake called to say good night, I grabbed the phone and began to carry out my plan....I'm so embarassed.....but like the Twinkie Defense, I will call this the Chemo Defense!!!

First I called Papa Gino's all the way in Dover. They said "20 minutes" so I headed out right away so as not to have a cold pizza. From there.....(must I admit??? is this confessional????)...I drove over to Friendly's and got a Super Size Fudge Brownie Sundae......

I am sooooooo full. But they were cravings I could not overcome and finally caved in! I can at least say with some dignity that I have leftovers!!!

Well, needless to say, my side effects are mostly evolving around being unbelievably tired and having tummy troubles as well as the usual loss of taste.

This week has not been without its difficulties and I find myself now realizing that as I move forward....I may face a great deal of loss. Please remember....tell those you love or care about how much they mean and how they have touched your life.

My friends, family, co-workers, acquaintances who read this blog --- I thank you for caring enough to use this blog as a way to keep up on my progress. Your comments, emails, cards, phone calls.....I do not have the words to define my appreciation. I love you all.

Thanks again for checking in.

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