Friday, August 13, 2010


Great news - I will now be getting mammograms and check ups on a regular, annual basis. That's right...I said it!!!! No more every 6 month visits!!! AHHH!!!! I screamed in the exam room after my check up!!! Of course, some how I missed my July 20th mammogram, so I'm going in next week (on the 17th). But the exam went perfectly and Dr. Palladino is confident that next weeks mammogram will be fine. know I have said that some experiences over the past couple of years have been "life changing" - for example, seeing a hypnotist to uncover childhood abuse. Watching "Losing it with Jillian Michaels" and seeing my own situation reflected back at me on national television..... Well, this week has been no exception! I have started physical therapy for TMJ. And while it's early in the treatments, I am already feeling better!!!

And this afternoon, I met with Maria Larkin. She is a Licensed/Registered Dietician who specializes in eating disorders. I am a binge eater, or "compulsive eater." For some reason my insurance only covers 3 visits with her, so we are going to work hard and fast on making changes. She is also going to refer me to a therapist who she works with who will help me with my issues.

I'm 43....I finally feel like I'm moving in the right direction. Better late than never right??

Thanks for checking in!!

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