On the 17th I was supposed to get a mammogram. It was told to me that the radiologist had determined it was "not medically necessary" and they said they could still do it, but that insurance may not cover it.
I went straight to Dr. Palladino's office in tears and got a bit snippy with the staff. I admit it. I was angry. And scared. Eventually a woman came out (Office Manager maybe??) who said that 6 month mammograms required until the patient has been cancer free for 5 years after diagnosis. I left. I was a mess.
Somone from Exeter Hospital has been calling my cell phone but I have not returned her call yet. I needed time to regroup first. I'll call her back tomorrow.
In other news.....I am getting physical therapy for my TMJ. This is a result of a recommendation by my dentist. I am looking at 3 treatments a week for at least 8 weeks. There are days I feel a huge difference. There are days my jaw is in a lot of pain.
In addition, I attended my second session with a licensed dietician/nutritionist to work on my binge/compulsive eating disorder.
As most of you know I work at a high school. Teachers and students return this week. It has been a stressful summer of learning more about myself and those around me and how I allow things to affect me. I need to relearn my instincts and trust them again.
Please say a prayer for the McDonald family. John J. McDonald passed away at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday morning.
Also, please say a prayer for my dear friend NOra and the Kelly Family. Nora's mom has been in the hospital and rehab facility and is very frail.
Thank you.
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