Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Such is my life.

Dr. Palladino was called in to emergency surgery today so the office called me and cancelled my appointment.

As soon as I got the message, I called back and asked them how quickly I could get in to see her and told them my lymph nodes in my neck/throat are swollen. I started crying and the woman in Central Scheduling started to cry. She said "I am so sorry this happened today - we will get you in as soon as possible." So now I'm scheduled to see Dr. Palladino tomorrow at 2:30.

Is this swelling something residual from strep? Maybe. But I have a bad feeling about it. Then again - I am the eternal pessimist.

Having a glass of wine. Jake is in bed. Gotta Breathe.

Please say a prayer for Pat and Ed K. They are having a tough time right now and need God's love and support right now.

Thank you,

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