Sunday, April 19, 2009

Easter, etc.

Nora was right - If I don't get these thoughts, feelings and experiences on my blog soon, I will forget them.

Easter morning...Jake is up at 5:45 a.m. and comes in my room and says "Mommy I can't sleep." He tries for all of about 3 minutes to sleep in my bed and then says "Mommy it's time to get up." I begrudgingly crawl out of bed and he says "You go first and you can tell me if the Easter Bunny left me anything ok?" I giggle at this statement and say "Ok buddy, let's go." Needless to say, the Easter Bunny and the Easter Bunny's Mom overdid it a bit. He even said "Woah...I didn't think I'd get much 'cuz I don't think I've been that good." What a kid!!! lol

Our Easter was awesome. My mom came over in the morning and then my whole family got together at my sister's for dinner and an afternoon of games, treasure hunt and quality time. The day was sunny but very windy. We spent a lot of time outside despite the cold temps. We all had a good case of windburn on our faces by the end of the day. Jake has a new found appreciation for moisturizer. lol

I turned 42 last week. April 15th. It was a great day. A great balance between work and home and friends and life in general. During the afternoon I found myself reflecting on things. I may share those thoughts eventually, but right now I'm just going to let them bumble around in my head a little while longer.

A family friend was at our Easter gathering. She and her husband have been an integral part of the Pigeon family for as long as I can remember. She has seen me in many different phases of my life. She made a profound comment during the has really stuck with me. She said that this gathering reminded her of our many in the past. But this time we're the old foagies....and boy did that make me think. I mean...damn...she's right. We were now the ones sitting back watching the younger generation run and play and be crazy. We sat back and watched and laughed. But not for long. During "tug-a-war" we participated. And although my back still hurts a week later, at least for that brief moment I felt young again.

Today is Sunday. Yesterday I met a co-worker for breakfast and we had a great time. It was a really nice change of pace. In the afternoon I began "cleaning" - I put this in quotes was yet another one of my feable attempts to get my apartment (my life?) in some sort of order.

Today my mom and I traveled to Chichester to Dominick's Restaurant for breakfast. It was yummy and again - a nice change from the ordinary.

So I returned home and have continued the "cleaning" escapade....maybe I'll complete some portion of it and feel a degree of accomplishment - who knows.

Some might read this entry and think I'm depressed. Fear not - I feel great. I great as I can feel being overweight and having a headache and wanting to take a nap. I have found that because I'm around people all day long, all week long at work, that when I have time to myself, I relish it. No more moping around or feeling sorry for myself when I am alone --- instead I watch a movie that I could not watch when Jake is with me (LOVE scary movies!!) and I read a lot. Plus, when Jake is here my focus is on him, so I tend to let laundry and stuff pile up until I'm alone again. I don't ever want Jake to say "My mommy couldn't play with me this weekend because she was cleaning the apartment."

Anyway I'm thinking that's about it at this point. I have my windows open and the shades pulled apart to enjoy this beautiful day. Not many people online today, so I'm thinking they are enjoying the weather as well!

Thank you for checking in.

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