Friday, December 19, 2008

Ok so.....

....we just got back from Barrington Urgent Care. Lovely night for a drive....NOT!

Jake's ear was bothering him again. He had an ear infection over Thanksgiving and when he got rechecked a week later the doctor told us it was clearing up and was looking good. Immediately after that he came down with another cold and now he has pressure back in his ear. No infection though, thank God! So he just took his meds and he'll go to bed early.

Charlotte stopped in to work today - she looks fantastic! Everyone was so happy to see her. I'm so proud of you Charlotte!!!

Today was one of those days where I literally had to look at the calendar and see if we were having a full moon. A rollercoaster kind of day.

Looking forward to relaxing with Jake this weekend.

Thanks for checking in.

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