Sunday, December 28, 2008

"Nothing changes on New Year's Day"

This statement - a line in a U2 song - never meant much to me. It was just a part of a song. I'm sure that when Bono wrote the song, he was thinking deep thoughts of some war or poverty or something. I've never researched the song....just tap my fingers on the steering wheel along to the beat.

Anyway - I'm looking at those words differently now.

January 1st. New Year's Day. Nothing changes. It's really just another day. Unless you have resolutions and then it becomes a day of dread. People decide that on January 1st they will change their entire lives and in effect everything will be better or greater or....safer....or healthier.

I would love to think that I can sucessfully change my lifestyle to be a healthier, more active person who contributes something to the world. This is not going to happen on New Year's Day. This is going to take time, hard work, focus and determination.

What do I want? I want 2009 to be a good year. That's all. 2008 sucked. 2008 was a tough year. I don't think I could have prevented it. I certainly couldn't have predicted it. But changes need to be made which will result in improvements.

Remember me saying how wiped out I was? lie...I slept Friday night, Saturday and Saturday night. Only woke up 3 times to have something to eat, otherwise I was sleeping. Crazy. Today I was up a little before 9 and ran some errands and now I'm doing dishes and cleaning (well...I'm blogging actually...but WILL being doing dishes and cleaning!!!)

Thanks for checking in.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Doris, gotta love those Irish boyos, Bono & U2. Anyway, I have to say your message hit me because I always believed in the saying If nothing changes, nothing changes. You have made a profound change--of course foisted upon you--but you took control, and I'm humbled by your courage and stamina and attitude. So that's another change you caused--me and all the people you touch. You plugged away and worked so hard to get well. How can I do any less? Thank you for showing the way it's done--to keep pushing when you just feel like ick. And ta-da! A year is nearly over. Applause, applause! I pray for great things for you this new year. AMLA, Nora