Well...I'm learning a lot about me. Maybe I was in denial or maybe I just didn't know the real me. I'm finally getting to know the real me and it's pretty cool.
I saw Dr. Marble and Sue LaFlamme today. Essentially I had scheduled the appointment because...well....the right breast is smaller than the left.
So what did I learn today? I learned that I like to have things planned - I prefer to have a goal or a end in sight.
Today I had to be weighed at the office and I was pleased when Sue told me I've dropped about 20 lbs since I first met her in January.
When Dr. Marble walked in she said "Doris why are you losing all this weight?" and I looked at her and said "Because I'm fat?!"
So the plan is this ---- hit my weight goal and THEN I will go in for outpatient procedure to have the left breast implant reduced. The thing is --- as I'm dropping weight, the right one - the real one - is getting a little bit smaller. The left one is an implant and therefore other then some minor fatty tissue reduction, that breast will stay the same size. Am I making sense? lol -- they called it some sort of procedure (scar something??) but right now that term escapes me.
So having a plan is good. It's a goal to work toward. Having goals and and focus...it's a good thing. I feel good about it.
Jake has a wicked head cold. Seems like everyone either has a cold or flu-type thing going on right now. It's that time of year I guess. I'm mega dosing on Vitamin C and Airborne to try to avoid the same illnesses!!
So (yes, I'm jumping all over the place today) I had a saying that came to me 2 years ago --- "Doris - prepare for greatness!" And frankly, at the time I had NO IDEA what that meant. But I have kept it in the back of my mind all this time. Anyway.....with each step of the way I'm learning more about myself and I think I'm heading toward that greatness.
Pat Larney was laid to rest yesterday. I attended his wake on Tuesday. It helped to give me some closure. I will miss him. I do miss him. I'm not ready to even go downstairs to the kitchen at the school yet. I will feel his absence and I'm not ready for it.
I'm seeing my Psychologist today. With the things that have come to the surface as of late, I thought it was time to work through some of this stuff.
I guess that's it for now. I want to thank Sue and Dr. Marble - they are the best and they always make me feel at ease!!
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