Wednesday, July 2, 2008 witnesses!!!

I just had to share this....because it was one of those things that you can't laugh at when it's happening, but boy was it funny.

Jake and I went grocery shopping after I picked him up tonight. So, when we got home he helped me carry in the groceries. He wanted the bag loops hung on his arms, which I did. He had a bag hanging from each arm and then exclaims "What else can I carry?! I'm a Christmas tree for Christ's sake!!!"

When I looked at him in absolute shock and asked "What did you just say?" He said "Uhm......I'm a Christmas tree?"

I'm so glad no one else heard it at the time.

Oh --- here's another one....I was checking out the rotisserie chicken at the grocery store and Jake said he had chicken last night and didn't want it again tonight. I said "Well, we'll fix you something else but mommy wants to have some chicken." At this point Jake was trying to change my mind about having chicken by announcing "Mommy that smells like RAT CHICKEN!!!" Where do they get this stuff? I was mortified. Luckily it didn't deter the guy who was standing by us who was also picking out his dinner.....

Anyway, I feel GREAT. I am sleeping well and my energy level is increasing. Work is going great as well. Thanks for checking in :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That kid is too funny!!
Glad you are feeling well, keep it up.