Tuesday, January 29, 2008


I'm home today. I think the anxiety is causing me to feel ill. And my sleep has not been of good quality.

Anyway, I just talked to the hospital. My surgery is Monday, February 4th. I'll be getting info in the mail in the next day or two as far as check in time, etc.

It scares me to think that this is only an overnight stay and then I'll be home sometime on the 5th. But I guess that's how things are done these days.

That's it for now. I'm going back to bed for awhile.



Anonymous said...

OK, Doris...Feb 4th. Well, I already had that date tagged (it's Alice Cooper's birthday. Remember? I'm 18 and I don't know what I want--yeah, that's still me). Anyway, I know what I want that day. I want your surgery to go perfect. I want it to be short, I want recovery to be painless, and I want you to get well quickly. I'm there for you. Call me anytime (that means 11:42 at night when you can't sleep). You definitely bump Alice! All my love, girl. Nora

Anonymous said...

They only give you one night for a mastectomy??? Are you kidding me?
Do you want me to call the insurance company and see if we can get you another night?
Don't forget you have to fight for what you need right now!!