Sunday, January 27, 2008

My first blog...

I actually just had to drag my cursor over the clock on my laptop to check the date. Since January 17th, the past 10 days have been a blur.

I have just started this blog, so I'm going to occupy a little of my time by making the page pretty for those who view it. Then, I'll return to provide more information about my recent diagnosis.

My best to you,


Oscar said...

I sent you an e-mail but I also wanted to let everyone else who may read your blog to know that you hold very special place in mine and norma's heart.
We love you and will be there for you if you need anything.

Oscar & Norma S.

Sue D. said...

Hey Doris,

Please remember that you have a lot of people that are thinking about you. You may 'think' you are independent :) but I KNOW and you know in your heart that you are not alone!!! Call anytime.

Sue D.

Anonymous said...

Doris -- fabulous blog! I'm very impressed. What a rock you are to do this. Thank you, thank you for keeping everyone informed--love it. Love you. Here's a hug. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Get well. What can I do? No, really...what can I do? Nora

Anonymous said...

Hi again,
I'm glad that you're surgery is sooner rather than later. Less time to "THINK".
I've told Bonnie, Debbie and Bill about this, and they all send their love.
Norma and I are keeping your situation in our thoughts and prayers.
We both know that you will come out the other side of this like the tough young lady that you have always been.
All our love and a few hugs to you from Norma and Oscar S.