Thursday, December 3, 2009

Sick again.

The week of Veteran's Day I had ear infections and a sinus infection. I got over it. Now it is all back in a big way. Can't remember being so sick. I'm totally wiped out. Tried going to work today, but my boss sent me home. Thank God. I got home and went straight back to bed. Right now I am sitting near the Christmas tree with a window open and enjoying the warm breeze. Sipping orange juice. It is December 3rd and it is 59 degrees outside.

I am very troubled lately. Not by my own issues, but those of others. I'm not the type to sit back and be quiet when someone is hurting. Divorce has a horrible ripple effect. It hurts many. And, (without selfish intentions), the couple who gets divorced has no idea how far away, or how nearby the ripples travel. How to help? How to make your love and support known? I don't know. How many times can you say "I'm here if you need to talk"? When do you inject your own opinions, thoughts and feelings and when do you step back.....let the ripples flow?

I was raised in a home where hugs were rare. It was also rare to hear "I love you" from a parent, nevermind from a sibling. I DO NOT WANT THAT CYCLE TO CONTINUE with my son or my neices and nephews. I think I've done a great job of ensuring that with Jake, but I don't know how it is for the rest of the family.

I've gotta get to bed. My ears hurt and my head is throbbing from coughing all day.

Thanks for checking in.

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